‘RI Japan 2024’ Speaker Announcement

Notice of Participation in the Impact Consortium

Announcement of New Investment in Neusignal Therapeutics

Notice of New Investment in DigitalArchi

Notice of New Investment in newmo

IMPACT SHIFT Speaker Announcement

Appointment to the Steering Committee of the “Impact-Oriented Finance Declaration

Social Impact Assessment and Impact Investment Trends in Universities” (Japanese only)

KII No. 3 Impact Fund” Second Closing

SIMI Global Resource Center Announces Appointment of Research Fellow

Notice of Publication of “Impact-Oriented Finance Declaration Progress Report 2023

Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun article: Startups: “Compete with Impact Investment” VC Roundtable Discussion

JPI Receives “Impact “K” Project Certification

Notice of New Investment in AXELSPACE HOLDINGS INC.

Investee Selected for Nikkei NEXT Unicorn Survey 2023

Notice of Additional Investment in Hedgehog Medtec, Inc.

AVPN Social Investment Forum Japan 2023

Nikkei Shimbun article: “Keio University VC to fund 20 billion yen to solve social issues, including regenerative medicine and AI”.

KJ Publication: “Impact Investment Accelerates Urban Development” KPMG

Notice of Establishment of KII No. 3 Impact Fund

Notice of Additional Investment in FingerVision

K-Pharma announces listing on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Our portfolio company has been selected for the “J-Startup Impact” program established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.