B dot Medical Inc.


Providing new options for cancer treatment while preserving essential normality in everyday life

Proton beam therapy is an excellent treatment, but the size and high price of the equipment pose issues for its widespread use. We have achieved miniaturization with our unique non-rotating gantry and irradiation technology. This has been realized at a low price thanks to a design that allows the equipment to fit in existing X-ray treatment rooms without constructing any dedicated building.

Establishment Date
March 2017
Development of proton beam cancer therapy equipment, consulting related to particle beam cancer therapy, etc.
Takuji Furukawa, President and CEO

KII’s Perspective

We are developing an ultra-compact proton beam cancer treatment system with the mission of delivering proton beam therapy to all X-ray patients. X-ray treatment equipment is widely used globally, and this system is expected to replace conventional equipment.

KII growth support

Financing assistance
