Nihon Agri, Inc.

Reforming the structure of agriculture and transforming it into a sustainable growth industry

As Japan's agricultural industry shrinks over the years, many intermediaries are involved in the value chain, resulting in margins at multiple points, which imposes a heavy cost burden, and inefficient production methods that rely solely on years of experience result in high production costs and unstable farmer incomes. Nihon Agri is reforming the industrial structure that prevents farmers from improving their incomes by providing a one-stop shop from production to sales. By providing farmers with new production technologies, domestic and international sales channels, and fruit sorting equipment, the company improves productivity and helps stabilize farmers' incomes. This is expected to realize "sustainable agriculture", which will lead to an increase in the number of farmers entering the agricultural industry, and increase and maintain production by improving farmers' living standards.

Establishment Date
November 2016
Producing, processing, exporting and selling agricultural products, agricultural consulting, etc.
CEO Shohei Naito

KII’s Perspective

Nihon Agri’s new production technology and industrial structure reform are expected to transform agriculture into a sustainable growth industry in the face of the harsh environment surrounding agriculture, such as the shrinking size of the domestic market and the decline in the number of farmers due to the aging population and lack of successors.

KII growth support

Impact related support
