Korbato Health Co., Ltd.


Promoting Preventive Medicine and Reducing Healthcare Costs with AI to Support Heart Disease Diagnosis

Cardiovascular diseases, although widely screened through electrocardiograms, often remain undetected or misdiagnosed due to the difficulty in accurate interpretation, leading to their discovery at advanced stages with severe complications. Consequently, they stand as a significant threat globally, ranking as the leading cause of death worldwide and the second leading cause in Japan. Korbato Health's AI, leveraging its expertise in cardiology along with extensive data and groundbreaking AI development technology, enhances diagnostic accuracy significantly. Korbato Health’s diagnostic AI will enable the early detection and treatment of asymptomatic cardiovascular diseases, dramatically reducing the number of patients developing severe complications and contributing to both public health and healthcare economics.

Establishment Date
February 2023
Development and provision of AI for cardiac disease diagnosis
Ryuichiro Yagi, Co-founder and CEO

KII’s Perspective

We are deeply impressed by the innovative nature of the electrocardiogram AI developed by the company, as well as the expertise of its founding members. Above all, we resonate strongly with the company’s vision for the future. Through the widespread adoption of its products, we anticipate Korbato Health becoming a vital infrastructure supporting global cardiovascular public health.

KII growth support

Financing assistance, Business strategy support, Recruitment support, Public relations support, Dispatch of board observers, Impact related support
